Pickup Makers Close Out A Challenging 2022; Ford, Chevy Win Year Over Year. Here Are The Numbers.


U.S. Pickup Sales Results Q4 2022 vs Q4 2021

As the auto industry continues to adapt to generational change over the past two years, the entire full-size pickup truck segment suffered declines when compared to 2020 and the year prior. The poor performance in this segment is a sign of microchip and other shortages that hit most automakers very hard in 2021. Ford F-Series sales maintained the top spot in the full-size pickup segment in Q4 2022, despite slipping two percent for the quarter.

Poised For A Comeback In Pick Up Sales?

Here’s the latest comparison of U.S market pickup truck sales for last month with the same month last year — December 2021 vs 2022. We also include the year to date numbers and compare with the same year to date numbers from last year.



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