2020 Ford Explorer Limited 4dr SUV


Comodisimo y util, luce como nuevo, tienes que verlo, puede ser tuyo! tenemos todas las facilidades de financiamiento, aprobacion a todos los creditos, mal credito, bancarrota, no social, si pasaporte!, si licencia internacional! Ven y vete conduciendolo, llamame Mary 786-674-5037. Precio anunciado es down payment!

Comfortable and useful, looks like new, you need to see it, it can be yours! we have all financing facilities, approved all credits, bad credits, bankruptcy, no social needed, yes passport! yes international driver license! come and go back driving to your home with your SUV, call me Mary 786-674-5037. Listed price as down payment!

DISCLAIMER: The vehicle was sourced from: https://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/ctd/d/hialeah-2020-ford-explorer-limited-4dr/7654818780.html

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