BMW Group and UNICEF host the second capacity-building workshop for the recipients of the Intercultural Innovation Hub 2021 in Mexico City.


Munich/Mexico City. The second capacity-building
workshop for the current edition of the Intercultural
Innovation Hub
(IIH) took place in Mexico City, Mexico from
April 1st to 6th, 2023. Hosted by the
United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)
and BMW Group, with the support of Accenture, the
workshop addressed key topics such as effective storytelling,
strengthening the self, enhancing group collaboration, future-proofing
the organization, and responsible leadership.

The workshop focused on the ten global grassroots initiatives which
were honored in November 2021 during an event held at the German
Pavilion of Dubai EXPO 2020, within the margins of the thematic week
on Tolerance and Inclusivity. Since their selection, representatives
from Brazil, Canada, Egypt, France, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Sri Lanka
and UK/Switzerland participated in various training sessions with the
aim to bolster the capacities of their respective organizations and
improve the long-term impact of their projects, allowing them to
sustainably expand and replicate their initiatives in other contexts.

As part of the workshop, participants had the opportunity to visit La
Cana, one of the recipient organizations based in Mexico City, and
witness first-hand the impact of their work focused on creating fair
employment and providing training for incarcerated women, with the
objective to promote social reintegration and reduce recidivism and
crime in the country.

Additionally, participants had the opportunity to meet with
Ilka Horstmeier, Member of the Board of Management
of BMW AG, People and Real Estate, and Labour Relations Director,
along with a delegation of BMW Group and Accenture managers based in
Mexico City and Latin America. During the meeting, the recipients
shared their achievements and progress since their selection.

“With the Intercultural Innovation Hub, we promote organizations and
entrepreneurs in their outstanding social commitment,” said Ms.
Horstmeier during an interactive discussion. “Because we are
convinced: Leadership of today is not about being the best in the
world, it’s about being the best for the world”.

The training in Mexico City is part of a year-long tailor-made
comprehensive support package provided to IIH recipients. Prior to
Mexico, the recipients attended the first capacity-building workshop
in Munich where they focused on the topics of organizational
development strategy, effective storytelling and the use of social media.

The initiative, which was established in 2011, is a prime example of
the essential role that corporate social responsibility plays within
the framework of the United Nations. UNAOC and the BMW Group, with the
support of Accenture, jointly mobilize their resources, time, and
networks to support the IIH recipients. As each partner contributes
their unique knowledge to ensure the long-term success of each
project, this partnership approach has proven to achieve greater impact.

For more information about the Intercultural Innovation Hub, please

If you have any questions, please contact:

BMW Group Corporate Communications

Milena Pighi
Communications Human Resources, Working
Environment, Real Estate, Corporate Citizenship
Corporate Citizenship
Telephone: +49-89-382-66563

Media website:

United Nations Alliance of
Alessandro Girola
+1 929-274-6208


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