Technology is (also) for women


Munich. Working on the cutting edge, helping shape
the future and finding solutions to problems – that is what female
engineers love about their careers with the BMW Group. The company
aims to get even more women excited about technology. Although the
percentage of women in the workforce continues to climb, it could be
higher – especially in the technical professions.

Women’s creativity and thinking make a positive contribution to
diversity at the BMW Group – and diversity is a success factor that
makes companies more innovative. Growing demand for workers can only
be met with increasing representation of women in future competences.

Ilka Horstmeier, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG,
responsible for People and Real Estate, Labour Relations Director,
underlined that: “We want to get more young women interested in STEM
careers, so we can shape the future of individual mobility with them.
We believe in a diverse team spirit, with equal opportunities and
responsibility for each individual. That is how we are making BMW
electric, digital and circular.”

The BMW Group is therefore taking advantage of International Women’s
Day on 8 March to highlight the countless opportunities for women in
the STEM field. To target them, it is important to spark an interest
in technical subjects at an early age. Inspiring role models also play
an important part.

The following female engineers took an interest in technology from a
young age: Céline Laurent-Winter always loved maths, physics and
computers at school; Kirsten Matheus’s experience was similar, with
mathematics one of her favourite subjects; Stella Clarke particularly
enjoyed classes where she and the other girls were allowed to
experiment, such as programming a robotic arm. Today, all three are
successful engineers at the BMW Group.

#empowerGirl: Getting to know companies up close

These three women’s biographies have one thing in common – they all
loved numbers and technology, even as children and teenagers. This is
precisely the age where BMW Group initiatives aim to reach girls. The
company’s latest commitment is supporting the initiative #empowerGirl,
an online portal designed to connect schoolgirls interested in STEM
with companies and enable them to gain early insights into technical
professions. Girls can check out internship opportunities online and
get in touch with contacts at the companies directly.

Girls’ Day on 25 April, which the BMW Group participates in more and
more widely nationwide every year, also provides insights into
real-world scenarios. On this day, the company opens its doors to
girls aged from 14 to 19 and spotlights STEM careers related to
automotive production. The focus of this action day is on asking
questions and trying things out without feeling nervous. 

Maker Spaces: Discovering a passion for technical topics

Try it out for yourself – that is also the concept behind the
so-called Maker Space in Munich which the BMW Group is partnering
with: The publicly accessible workshop is based on the concept of
explorative learning and lowers the threshold for experimenting with
technology. It creates a no-pressure environment in which women, in
particular, can discover their passion for technical subjects.
Development engineer Stella Clarke loves the “terrific atmosphere” at
the Maker Space, which boosts self-belief with a “you can do it” attitude. 

High percentage of women in talent development programmes

Once an interest in technology has been awakened, it is vital to
continue encouraging young women and supporting them on the road to an
engineering career. The BMW Group ensures there is high female
representation in its talent development programmes. For example,
women have made up over 40 percent of its AcceleratiON trainee
programme for years.

Work-life balance is still a decisive factor for women pursuing a
career. The BMW Group’s joint leadership model plays a particularly
important role in this context: Both men and women have the
opportunity to share a managerial position with equal responsibility
during a transition period. This makes it easier to balance work and
family during certain phases in life.

Inspiring women as role models

Experience has shown that girls and young women need strong role
models they can identify with and who encourage them to assert
themselves in a field still largely dominated by men. Engineers Céline
Laurent-Winter, Kirsten Matheus and Stella Clarke are exactly that
kind of inspiring role model.

Céline Laurent-Winter: Learning never ends 

“If you love STEM subjects, stick with it! There are exciting jobs
and future-oriented topics waiting for you. Women are just as good as
men at these things!” encourages Céline Laurent-Winter.
Laurent-Winter, who was born in France and has been with the BMW Group
for almost 19 years, currently works in vehicle connectivity. After
studying production and automation technology, she earned a PhD in
computer science. She says the most exciting thing about her job is
that, with a career in STEM, you never stop learning. “The digital
world offers endless possibilities that are constantly growing.”

Kirsten Matheus: Changing things for the better

“What makes it exciting is the diversity – from highly technical to
highly strategic, everything is possible,” says Kirsten Matheus about
her job as an engineer. She describes herself as having an
“engineering personality”. Solving problems and achieving goals has
always given her tremendous satisfaction. She has worked for the BMW
Group for 14 years in electronics development and is responsible for
strategy for communication technologies. A career as an engineer
appeals to her on two levels: She wants to change things for the
better and, at the same time, be able to provide for a family on her salary.

Stella Clarke: Tracking down talents

“I believe women need more encouragement,” says Stella Clarke, from
Australia, who studied mechanical engineering and has worked for the
BMW Group for 17 years as a development engineer. She developed the
idea for changing the colour of the vehicle body with innovative E Ink
technology. “Believe in yourself!” she urges young women. In her view,
every child is eager to explore and figure out how the world works.
She believes young people need more encouragement and inspiration to
engage with science and technology.

Driven by Diversity: Diversity is the foundation of our success

The BMW Group views diversity as a strength. Diversity helps us
recruit and retain the best talents and meet our stakeholders’
expectations worldwide. We promote a culture that is free of prejudice
and values differences and believe that equity and inclusion are
fundamental requirements for this.


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